Legal notices


The Internet sites and are provided by

Adress of the association
Patrimoine Bus & Car
Association without lucrative pupose

Avenue de Nivelles 107
BE-1300 Wavre (Limal)

Bank account IBAN : BE79 2670 5281 7933 - BIC : GEBABEBB
VAT : BE 0437.917.782
Represented by
Henri Maillard, President
Fernand Maillard, Director-delegate
David Ullens, Vice-president
Bastien Altdorfer, Secretary
Luc Calant
Axel Vandecasteele

Legal notices

Copyright 2004-2011 Patrimoine Bus & Car ASBL - All Rights Reserved.

No declarations

This information is provided by Patrimoine Bus & Car "as is" and to the extent permitted by law, is provided without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies.

For your convenience and purely for information purposes, this website also has links to external websites over which Patrimoine Bus & Car does not necessarily have control and for which it accepts no liability even though Patrimoine Bus & Car may have itself created or agreed to the link.

Protection of privacy

We commit ourselves to dealing with your data in conformance with the relevant law of 8 December 1992 concerning the protection of private life with reference to personal data.

The information collected when you visit the site and/or that you supply via the relevant form is processed with the greatest care by Patrimoine Bus & Car. On no account will your data be given to a third party.

In accordance with the law you have the right to access and rectify data that concerns you. Any request may be done by filling in the form in the section “Contact”.

If you suspect that your rights of privacy are offended by any content of this Internet site, please notify us immediately by filling in the form in the section “Contact” so we can remedy as fast as possible.

© Patrimoine Bus & Car asbl   |    2004-2025   |    All rights reserved   |    Legal notices